2024 City of Oklahoma City Resident Survey

Dear Neighbor:
Every year, your Mayor and Council send a representative group of residents this scientific survey you are now holding in your hands. Today is your lucky day, because this year you are a member of that group.

Your input on the following survey is extremely important. Over the course of the next year, your representatives at City Hall will make decisions regarding a wide range of City services, including public safety, streets, transit, parks and recreation, code enforcement and others. To ensure that the City’s priorities are aligned with the needs of our residents, we need to know what YOU think.

We appreciate your commitment to complete this important survey. We realize this survey takes some time to complete, but every question is important. The time you invest in this survey will influence decisions about our City’s future. Your responses will remain confidential.

If you have any questions about this survey, please call the City’s Action Center at 405-297-2535.

Again, please return your survey and thank you for your time. For our city to continue its momentum as “One OKC,” your voice must be heard.